First objective of the JISC-supported Sonex initiative was to identify and analyse deposit opportunities (use cases) for ingest of research papers (and potentially other scholarly work) into repositories. Later on, the project scope widened to include identification and dissemination of various projects being developed at institutions in relation to the deposit usecases previously analyzed. Finally, Sonex was recently asked to extend its analysis of deposit opportunities to research data.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Sonex objectives and development

The Repository Handshake/SONEX objective was firstly to identify and analyse deposit opportunities (use cases), which map on to different business processes from which there is prospect of prompting and assisting deposit of research papers (and potentially other scholarly work) into the repository space. These include processes within the repository space to alert and assist transfer/access across multiple repositories (in the use case of multiple Institutional Repositories). An incomplete list of other deposit opportunities include: institutionally-assisted deposit (typically from CRIS systems but also research group activity); grant-funded mandated deposit, with requirement for award referencing; deposit from publishers as OA services for authors; assisted deposit as part of desktop authoring applications).

Once a complete use case list was obtained, the work was to be focused on identificating the most interesting deposit opportunities in terms of populating repositories. This analysis should result in proposals for cooperative development and for implementation possibilities.

The following key use case scenarios were identified and associated with projects being already developed (or to be developed) by the institutions taking part in the workgroup. Participation in the use case development and implementation is open as well for other interested institutions:

• Use case nr 1, PI/author for multi-authored, multi-institution journal articles - related to Open Access Repository Junction (OA-RJ) Project at EDINA

• Use-case nr 2, CRIS systems as source of documents for IRs - KE's strand 'Exchanging Research Info'. There are also several ongoing institutional initiatives for CRIS/IR integration, such as those at the University of Glasgow or the Trinity College Dublin

• Use-case nr 3, Publisher as the source of articles - also related to the EDINA-JISC OA-RJ Project, as well as to European PEER Project

• Use-case nr 4, 'Our Bibliography' as source of references for IRs, meaning lists of publications supplied by individual researchers, research groups or departments

• [Potential extra] Use-cases nr 5 (Subject repositories) and 6 (Research evaluation agencies).

See a brief summary of the four main SONEX use cases/deposit opportunities at:

1 comment:

  1. A new usecase should probably be added to this Sonex analysis of deposit opportunities, namely direct ingest of (metadata-only) items from international databases such as WoS or PubMed to be later completed with the full-text files supplied by the authors themselves. Although this usecase may be loosely included under Sonex usecase nr 4, 'Our Bibliography' as a source, there are ingest procedure specificities which should be analyzed independently. Several deposit initiatives using WoS/PubMed as a source are already being carried out at various institutions, see for instance Les Carr's "Using ISI Web of Science Data in Repositories" [at University of Southampton],
